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Before your massage


This is a special moment. To feel more comfortable and restful, you can freshen up before your visit at one of our salons. Thai massage is performed in special clothing, on the floor, either on a mat or a light mattress. The person receiving a massage treatment assumes a variety of positions derived from five basic postures: lying back, forward and to the side, as well as inverted position and sitting. The meditative state you become surrounded with entails an important element, therefore Thai massage is usually performed in silence, which allows for concentration and reflection.

At the beginning of the session, the masseuse will assess which areas on the body need healing and adjust the use of appropriate massage techniques. Thai massage primarily uses gentle pressure applied to specific points on the entire body, starting with the feet and moving up to the head. The masseuse uses various techniques, mainly rhythmic, slow body compression, as well as elements of stretching, passive yoga and work with energy channels - all to release tension and unblock the flow of energy. Thai massage brings deep relaxation, which induces various positive changes in the body, restoring balance and harmony. One of the key features of traditional Thai massage is the blocking and unblocking of blood flow, known as "trigger point therapy". The massage ends with a small head massage (similar to Indian massage), after which the massage therapist uses her fingers to plug the massaged person’s ears, bring his/her thoughts back to reality.


Indications and contradictions

In individual cases, the massage technique needs to be adjusted, its intensity reduced, or simply specific parts of the body should be avoided. There might be times when should cancel your massage session.

When you should cancel you massage session:

ikona - podwyższona temperatura
elevated temperature, above 38 degrees Celsius
ikona - złamania i świeże zrosty
first days of post-traumatic state,
fractures and fresh adhesions
ikona - choroby serca
cardiovascular diseases
ikona - choroby układu nerwowego
nervous system diseases
ikona -stany zapalne
acute inflammatory conditions
ikona - choroby kości
bone diseases - advanced osteoporosis
ikona - choroby zakaźne, wirusowe, skóry
infectious, viral, skin diseases
ikona - menstruacja, ostatni trymestr ciąży
menstruation, last trimester of pregnancy
ikona - osłabienie organizmu
severe body weakness
ikona - stan po spożyciu alkoholu
post alcohol consumption
po zabiegu

Po zabiegu

Thailand has been proudly named the "Land of Smiles." Your massage treatment will leave you overwhelmed by a feeling of contentment and tranquility - an unusual combination of peacefulness and bursting energy, a sense of lightness. Please, allow yourself a gradual and gentle return to the real world. As with all treatments, it is recommended that you replenish your body by drinking plenty of water.

Massage Ritual

Thai Masseuses devote great effort and attention to the massage ritual. Each day of their work begins with a prayer to the Thai Father of Medicine - Jivaki Kumar Bhaccha - called Shivago Komarpai, who was the personal physician of the ancient Buddha Shakyamuni. Statues of the Father of Massage can be found in every Thai massage salon. One of such prayers reads "Glory to you, Shivago. I ask that you always stand by me. I pray that goodness and medical knowledge will never leave you. I am open to all the goodness and abundance of the Universe, which I receive because I deserve it. I pray to You. I pray to the Buddha. I pray, that with Your help, all ailments and illnesses will leave those they afflict.”

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