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Thai Massage

What is Thai Massage?

You should know that in Thailand, Thai massage is known as "ancient" or "traditional" massage. It entails a unique combination of acupressure, Shiatsu and yoga elements. During the massage, very slow and rhythmic pressure is applied to specific energy points on your body, resulting in pain relief and tension release. Thai massage is also called "yoga for the lazy", as you can take many yoga positions during the massage. The massage starts from the feet, slowly moving towards the head. The body is gently moved, relaxed and stretched. Thai massage affects you in a way leading to a complete healing of your body, energy and mind.

Benefits of Thai Massage

Benefits of Thai Massage

zmniejsza stres i napięcie
Relieves stress and tension
działa energetyzująco i dodaje siły
Energizes and vitalizes the body
Otwiera meridiany, którymi płynie życiowa energia
Opens the meridians through which life energy flows
Uśmierza ból i napięcie mięśniowe
Relieves pain and muscle tension
Przywraca gibkość i elastyczność
Restores flexibility and elasticity
Usprawnia krążenie krwi i limfy
Improves blood and lymph circulation
Pozwala na zdrowy, mocny sen
Facilitates healthy, sound sleep
Leczy bóle pleców, karku, ramion
Treats back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain
Usuwa drętwienia i zmęczenie nóg
Relieves numbness and fatigue in the legs
Przynosi ulgę w bólach głowy, stresie i zmęczeniu
Relieves headaches, stress and fatigue

Thai massage is suitable for people of all ages, for those more and those less active, for healthy persons and those suffering from various medical conditions. It brings invaluable rehabilitative properties and is believed to shorten recovery time as well as helps calm the mind and find the right body balance. By evoking peacefulness and positive feelings, Thai massage is also brings relaxation and energizing benefits not only for the person massaged but for the masseuse as well.

jak wygląda masaż tajski


Thai Massage is performed clothed, while resting on the floor - on a mat or a light mattress. The person massaged takes various postures, derived from the five primary positions: lying backwards, forwards and sideways, inverted position and sitting. The meditative state you become surrounded with entails an important element, therefore Thai massage is usually performed in silence, which allows for concentration and reflection.

At the beginning of the session, the masseuse will assess which areas on the body need healing and adjust the use of appropriate massage techniques. Thai massage primarily involves the use of pressure applied to specific points on the entire body, starting with the feet and moving up to the head. The masseuse uses various techniques, mainly rhythmic, slow body compression, as well as elements of stretching, passive yoga and work with energy channels - all to release tension and unblock the flow of energy. Thai massage brings deep relaxation, which induces various positive changes in the body, restoring balance and harmony. One of the key features of traditional Thai massage is the blocking and unblocking of blood flow, known as "trigger point therapy". The massage ends with a small head massage (similar to Indian massage), after which the massage therapist uses her fingers to plug the massaged person’s ears, bring his/her thoughts back to reality.